main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); } what is the output?
7 25485Write a function stroverlap that takes (at least) two strings, and concatenates them, but does not duplicate any overlap. You only need to worry about overlaps between the end of the first string and the beginning of the second string. Examples: batman, manonthemoon = batmanonthemoon batmmamaman, mamamanonthemoon = batmmamamanonthemoon bat, man = batman batman, batman = batman batman, menonthemoon = batmanmenonthemoon
1945what is diff between localstatic and globalstatis variable possible 2 use in another file...?
2 4839hai iam working in sap sd module for one year and working in lumax ind ltd in desp department but my problem is i have done m.b.a in hr/marketing and working sap sd there is any combination it. can you give right solution of my problem. and what can i do?
1852Write an interactive c program that will encode or decode a line of text. To encode a line of text, proceed as follows: Convert each character, including blank spaces, to its ASCII equivalent. Generate a positive random integer. Add this integer to the ASCII equivalent of each character. The same random integer will be used for the entire line of text. Suppose that N1 represents the lowest permissible value in the ASCII code, and N2 represents the highest permissible value. If the number obtained in step 2 above exceeds N2, then subtract the largest possible multiple of N2 from this number, and add the remainder to N1. Hence the encoded number will always fall between N1 and N2, and will therefore always represent some ASCII character. Display the characters that correspond to the encoded ASCII values. The procedure is reversed when decoding a line of text. Be certain, however, that the same random number is used in decoding as was used in encoding.
1 12298Post New HCL C Interview Questions
131. Are you familiar with billing output determination? Suppose if I’m creating an invoice, and I want to print out the output of the invoice, how would I do that? Are you familiar with any output that prints out SAP for that invoice so further delivery for example, in delivery you have backing slips delivery....
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what is the proper name for bottle holder thingee ?
Explain register storage specifier.
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do you need to know if there are any missing values? : Sas programming
Does ip address change with wifi?
Why should I use spring?
What is the use of mainframe applications?
What is eager loading in angular 4?
What is strut action mapping?
I completed my BE EEE degree 2006 .... which license should i apply .... ?????
How does dependency injection work c#?