what is the use of getch() function in C program..
difference b/w getch() and getche()??

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what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / rahul

getch() is for waiting the o/p screen til we enter the inputs

Is This Answer Correct ?    270 Yes 66 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / abhinav

getch() waits for the user to input a character and
displays the output till the user enters a character.As
soon as the user enters a character it transfers the
control back to the main function, without displaying what
character was entered.
getche() does the same thin but it displays the chacter
entered.here e stands for echo.

Is This Answer Correct ?    191 Yes 24 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / sasireka

getch() returns to the program after hitting any key.
getche() waits for the character, read it and then returns
to the program

Is This Answer Correct ?    102 Yes 32 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / sachin banaya

getch() is used to wait the execution of program on console
unless program will skeep the output witout showing on
console of program in short it all time to user to see
output during the run time of program

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 16 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / phani

getch() is used to read the character,
but getche()is used to read and display character on output.

Is This Answer Correct ?    51 Yes 33 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / rashmi

getch() helps in holding the console screen and helps in reading the codes properly

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 8 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / lekha

Both getch() and getche() are used to read single character
there is very little difference
-getch() doesn't display output to screen if used without lvalue
-getche() display output to screen even if used without lvalue

following example will clear this.....
after running above programs...............
when you press any key, you'll exit from output screen
verify the output by pressing alt+F5
1. will not show anything
2.will show the key you were pressed......
hope you get it.............

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 3 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / sudhir tiwari

# 3 getch() returns to the program after hitting any key.
getche() waits for the character, read it and then returns
to the program

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 17 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / svmurali

getch() and getche()
both are getting input charecter to user
but getche() display the that charecter to screen

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 5 No

what is the use of getch() function in C program.. difference b/w getch() and getche()??..

Answer / rajesh kumar

Waiting the input for output screen..

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

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