how the size of an integer is decided?
- is it based on processor or compiler or OS?

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / mathankumar


Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 17 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / pratheeba


Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 5 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / lanchai

Different hardware systems might have a different size for
an integer. you might get a different number in different
OS because the hardware running the OSes were different to
begin with. also, the "sizeof" command is actually a
compile-time command calculated by the compiler (see
wikipedia on sizeof)

So strictly speaking, its the hardware (or processor) that
determines the size of an integer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / guest


Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 5 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / ramesh


Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 6 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / akshay


if compiler is 16 bit compiler then int is of 2 bytes (turbo c)
if compiler is 32 bit then int is of 4 bytes in VC++

but for 32 bit compiler processor should be compatible i.e. of 32 bytes
so processor also decides it
again of OS
if os is 16 bit how you r going to run a 32 bit compiler on it

so a confusing question

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / sandeep

Its CPU (processor) which decides the size.

Please see the link below-

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / hrishikesh

ans is compiler and not os or machine dependent or
processor b'coz u can port difft os on same processor .
when in tc it is 2
while in gcc it is 4 byte for int .
so her neither u r processor changes nor kernel as all are
originated from

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / mangesh

every book says it depends on machine.......some may have
same size for "int" and "long int".......
by machine they mean processor only.......
coz it cant be either compiler or they are part
of virtual...i mean software...not machine...

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 8 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / rakesh

It should be compiler, bcoz turbo c and VC hav different sizes for integer.

of course OS and processor interfere, but only for letting compiler get Installed or not... after which its compilers work.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

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