How data flow from source to destination please Explain each
step from layer to layer?
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Answer / arunanshu tripathy
App. Layer- Someone wants to access the PC
( 1st sends a request to the DNS Server which
transforms the to an IP address Now the
PC knows that it needs to go to which IP address.
Presentation Layer- The PC then requests the page to be
displayed in HTTP format. This request is packaged into a
Session Layer- The Session Layer which understands that
there is a specific request for So, it separates
it and creates its own session so that it does not get
confused with all the other data coming in for other
requests. This ensures delivery to the correct source.
The Transport Layer- It does 2 things
- Chooses b/w reliable(TCP) and unreliable(UDP).
- Configures the Port No. for HTTP i.e. 80 for the
Destination Server to understand. Source Port is assigned a
Dynamic Source Port Number by the PC
HTTP uses TCP.
Network Layer- Adds the IP address at the Source & Dest. IP
At Data Link Layer- Adds the H/W address i.e.the Sourc &
Dest. MAC addresses.
At Phy. Layer- the Ethernet Frames used for transportation.
The same reverse thing happens when it reaches the source
bottoms up.
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Answer / ramya
data flows in the form of packets from source to destination. packets consists of addresses.
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Answer / sandeep kumar
1-data send in raw bit form to physical layer.
2-now it comes into frames including,senders mac address at
the data link layer.
3-then it comes into a packet send through the network
layer device through network layer.
4-at this layer the transaction is imposed on the packet at
transport layer.
5-there is a session attached to the packet during the
transmission at the session layer with security and
6-at the presentation layer the packet reached at the
reciever end.
7-the data will be show on in the form of, including
text,images,and some graphics through the http, at
application layer.
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