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HCL SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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on which conditions we can determine pricing procdure and how condition types and access sequence actully work. please answer with examples?

2 6131

quotation is created with 5 line item when am doing sales order with reference with quotation only 3 item are coming in sales order copy control everything is ok waht setting shell i do

1 3444

Why we seperate Delivery document type in case of cash sale. I mean why we can't use normal delivery type

2 6111

What is the difference between the user exits and enhancements?

3 7346

explain the business process of your project and he asked about the condition types which you have implmented and them he asked about the subtotal meaning in the pricing procedure , he asked some questions on variant configuration and how condition record will be maintiained in vc andhe also asked about the contraints and dependencies

3 4845

Why your client need to implement SAP? And what is the benefit of it?

3 6240

Is it possible to create an invoice for a delivery which consists of 1000 Items. But 700 items need to be billed this month and other 300 items need to be billed next month.what is the configuration for creating that invoice?

2 5442

one of interviewer asked me this requirement please tell me anybody? Issue: the problem faced by us right now is,when there are more than 2 route codes available, users can select a wrong route code which is a longer route for the destination, the physical shipment can still go through a shorter route, but company will end up in paying more. Requirement: user maintained route list, the user will maintain a master from which route should be picked, users should be able to enable or disable a particular route. Thanks in advance


What is physical inventory management?


Post New HCL SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions

HCL SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

why we use copper earthing for neutral while for body GI.


What is instrumental error?


What is the use of ms word in education?


what is node, node agent and node groups?


When awas anti - tank missile ‘ nag ’ test fired?


In Designing the rating & accessories of a MCCB how to choose the type of releases..means what is the basis for selecting, thermal magnetic, electromagnetic & microprocessr based releases


In cost controlling information system mention the fields that are listed in the list screen of the report?


What are fillers? What is the actual use of fillers? With mall/simple example?


Tell me how can we determine whether a php variable is an instantiated object of a certain class?


Discuss the various functions of marketing.


How can multiple submits due to refresh button clicks be prevented?


how can you check whether Namenode is working beside using the jps command?


what is mean by peak intigrity?


What is xml file format?


Does microsoft 365 have access?