on which conditions we can determine pricing procdure and
how condition types and access sequence actully work.
please answer with examples?
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Answer / pitabash < infosys, pune
For Determine the pricing prodecure we need to follow the
condition technique.
There are some basic elements combine to make the pricing
like :_
1:- pricing
2:- Discount & Surcharge
3:- Freight
4:- Taxes
All these works upon certion condition technique :-
a):-We need to define condition table which is a
combination of fields . these are required for maintain
condion record.
B):- Define access Sequesce ( It is the search strategy)
And need to assign the condition table to it. as per the
required. there are n numbers of condtion tables we can
assign .
C):- Define Condition type . And assign the access sequence
to it. ( One one access sequence will assign to once
condition type.
d):- Define pricing prodecure ( you define which condition
types should be taken into account and in which sequence).
Then determine the pricing procedure :-
Sales Area ( Sales org, Dist Channel , Division)
Customer procing procedure from Customer master record
Document Pricing procedure from the order/Billing type.
with Created pricing procedure.
Please let me know if any additional.
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Answer / joy
We can determine Pricing Procedure on coditions:
Combination of Sales area (sales Org. Dist. Channel & Div.)
Customer pricing procedure (CuPP) & Document Pricing
procedure (DoPP).
E.g we find CuPP in the CMR selling Tab like. 1-Standard.
DoPP are assigned to sales doc.types in IMG. A= Standard
Acess sequence is put on the header level of the Condition
type which in turn is put in the pricing procedure to
maintain the condition record .
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