What is TD plugin? For what purpose they are used . Ineed
to connect QC9.2 with QTP 9.2 . Need to run some scripts IN
QTP having the QC connectivity.
Pls explain in detailed step
Thanks in advnece
Steps to upload the test scripts into QC.
1)Open the test script to uploaded in QTP
2)Goto file menu, click on "Qualtiy Center Connection"
3)Enter the valid QC URL
4)Enter valid Username/password and DomainName/Project
5)Click on Connect
6)Goto File menu, Click on Save As button.
7)Click on Save to Quality Center button
8)in the wizard, Select the QC folder, where the scripts
will be uploaded.
9)Click on Save button
Script can be uploaded successfully
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hi all, I want to know about the QTP scripts, i have read more books but all areis to be a theory so how can i improve my script skills. if anybody knows about qtp scripts plz guide me and i need a sample scripts.my mail id is karthis4u@gmail.com, 9986667831 If you all have any data send it to akadi111@gmail.com
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