why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 30869Post New HCL Interview Questions
Explain viewencapsulation?
Is there any difference between synchronized methods and synchronized statements?
What is the difference between SAS functions and procedures?
What are some major categories into which qlikview’s functions are divided?
Three pc now connected the 24 port switch.one pc ip adders,anather pc ip is, anather pc ip is, so 98 or 125 ping replay to 123,but 123 is not replay 125 or 98, but 123 is others pc ping replay,
How do you use compareto in java?
When was c language developed?
A super elevation of 60 cm has been provided on a 8m wide road and a curve of 260m radius .calculate the max.speed in km/hr of the vehicle that can be negotiated safely? Plz answer with full solution.thanx
cant i ask health related questions? if so how?
What are helpers in php?
Do you know the concept of Diminishing Marginal Utility?
Explain the organizational structure of sap-ps module. List the parameters of project system.
What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
How to Change the background color of Text?
What is open server in sybase?