why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
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Why do we use classes?
How do I create a new form in visual studio 2015?
How do you see the future of multimedia in India?
How to limit decimal places for variable using proc means?
What functions are required to principal analysis in R?
What is ICMP, ARP, Multicast, Broadcast?
Which are the ioc containers in spring?
How to start another activity?
what kind of tape library is attached to your tsm server?
Why do you want to join the banking industry?
If we login more than one browser windows at the same time with same user and after that we close one window, then is the session is exist to other windows or not? And if yes then why? If no then why?
Is the asp.net ajax control toolkit(ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll) installed in the global assembly cache?
What does multiple access mean?
How task's priority is used in scheduling?
What is index and how it is used in mongodb?