why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 30869Post New HCL Interview Questions
What is an external id in salesforce? Which all field data types can be used as external ids? : salesforce crm
What are the difference between composition and inheritance in java?
What is the concept of connection pooling?
What is aws lambda function?
Define the number of network ids in a class c network?
describe the non-authoritative and authoritative restore of an active directory (ad).
Explain what is struct?
Do you know how to get the user id of all logged-in users with apex code?
Is there a way to separate names in excel?
How is the derived table unique about a view? : sap bobi
Can you explain the uses of the tools just mentioned and how they connect to give a devops model (ci/cd)?
Differentiate between P&L A/c and Balance Sheet?
What is the newline escape sequence?
How the Algorithm works?
How magento's mvc architecture works: