why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 30869Post New HCL Interview Questions
Explain Trigger events? & context variables?
How will service tax & excise be charged?
Define rip?
Explain how Symbol is different from variables?
What's -74C, dew point is better the -70C dew point In draying unit .
Explain the concepts of a primary key and foreign key.
What is the difference between Set() and Let() script statements?
Mention what is the use of t-code cs20 in bom?
What is the meaning of ?
Explain the difference between web services, corba and dcom?
How do I search for a file?
How to directly call a native function exported from a dll?
What are the properties of stack?
If you remove a document from database, does mongodb remove it from disk?
Why main is static in c#?