why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 31759Post New HCL Interview Questions
1.Write a CRITICAL test cases for calculator ? 2.What is the difference b/w FRS and SRS documents ? 3.What is Component ? 4.What is object ? 5.what is the difference b/w static and dynamic descriptive programming ?
What are the hooks?
how can we see the error log files in broker?
Should I make my destructor virtual?
Explain the architecture of ms sql reporting service?
Does exclude or exclude class really excludes the data or class?
Define reports in splunk?
What are the sources through which communication can be done? : insurance cold calling
What are the causes of building collapse?
Explain What do you know about Web Sites.
How do you update data in excel?
Explain what are the tasks that loadmanger process will do?
Which are the sorted collections?
Is singleton thread safe swift?
How will you bind the user session with a specific instance in elb (elastic load balancer)?