java.sql.SQLException:Invalid state, the statement object is closed Hai all i got this error when i am multiple times referesh web page
6327Dear All, Plz tell me what should be correct matter for apply a sales officer post, if i have experience, ability ?
2077Write an interactive c program that will encode or decode a line of text. To encode a line of text, proceed as follows: Convert each character, including blank spaces, to its ASCII equivalent. Generate a positive random integer. Add this integer to the ASCII equivalent of each character. The same random integer will be used for the entire line of text. Suppose that N1 represents the lowest permissible value in the ASCII code, and N2 represents the highest permissible value. If the number obtained in step 2 above exceeds N2, then subtract the largest possible multiple of N2 from this number, and add the remainder to N1. Hence the encoded number will always fall between N1 and N2, and will therefore always represent some ASCII character. Display the characters that correspond to the encoded ASCII values. The procedure is reversed when decoding a line of text. Be certain, however, that the same random number is used in decoding as was used in encoding.
1 12025How do we find pass and fail percentage of Test cases. Anybody can give answer to me. Thanks in advance
2 26452What it RTM and what are the columns in that matrix, anybody can explain it, Thanks in advance..
3 107301.find most occurrences of a character. for exm: input:aaabbbbdddddyyy output: d 5 times how can i get that?
14 17143string is immutable? right every one knows that, my question is it advantage or disadvantage making string immutable?
5 9663how we implement share object repository in QTP 9.0 without using quality Centre , Explaine in brief
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