What are the different ddl commands in sql?
suppose we have 400 users in that 300 can able to connect to the Database and 100 cannot
What is ipc rtos?
how to configure oracle 10g in java1.5 and tell me know how to set class path in system?
Explain what is sap script? What is the purpose of sap script?
What primary key and foreign key relationship
What is the purpose of using bindingresults?
Cucumber execution starts from where?
Name the branch of chemistry that deals with the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions?
What are some of the advantages of selenium grid?
What is cout flush?
when do we need to use maxscratch parameter?
What is the difference between a project and an app?
What is the defination of job costing, batch costing and contract costing?
Explain what are the different types of transformation available in informatica. And what are the mostly used ones among them?