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HCL Informatica Interview Questions
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How will you check the bottle necks in informatica? From where do you start checking?

3 7066

Tell me about your experience in informatica? what is best mark you can give yourself? How to answer this question?


can u explain me banking domain projects ? and in banking domain projects how many dimension tables and how many fact tables and how to load source and targets in mapping level plese expain give me one example?

1 17013

How to Explain My project flow,In TCS ased me this question. In which way i can start my project flow and they asked how many fact tables and dimensional tables u used. Can any one Explain Briefly for this question and project architecture also.. please..

3 21814

what is data driven in update strategy transformation?

2 16410

i want to convert below src into target src is as follows maths 30 science 20 social 81 i want data in trg like below maths science social 30 20 81

2 7215

Hi, There is a session in my workflow which is running for a long time, atlast we found the cause is the missing index. My session is running via a stored procedure. Can I create an Index on the table which the stored procedure is using while my session is running? Please suggest. My Informatica version is PC 8.0.6 My Oracle APPS is 11.5.3. Thanks,


What is version control in informatica ? Advance thanks

6 16605

in my source table i want to delete first and last records and load in between records into target? how can it possible?

3 8959

Which one is better performance wise connected/un-connected lkp?why?

2 13136

can you use flat file for lookup table?why?

2 8004

I have source like this year account month amount ----- --------- ------ -------- 1999 salaries jan 9600 1999 salaries feb 2000 1999 salaries mar 2500 2001 benfits jan 3000 2001 benfits feb 3500 2001 benfits mar 4000 -->i need target like this year account month1 month2 month3 ----- --------- -------- -------- -------- 1999 salaries 9600 2000 2500 2001 benfits 3000 3500 4000

4 8226

I have name like INDIA in a column. I want display 1st line A, 2nd line N, 3rd line D, 4th line I, 5th line A in oracle data base?

1 8611

i have a table with name field. i,e name Shankar prabhakar nitikripa so no if a occures 3 times in name then it will go to tgt A if b occures 3 times in name then it will go to tgt b .. if z occures 3 times in name then it will go to tgt z

1 2986

i have 50500 records in my source.if wf run for the first time it will load 1000 records into 1 tgt,if runs second time it will load to another tgt.targets are FF and it is need to be created many tgt will be created and how?

1 4326

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HCL Informatica Interview Questions

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Did you use accounting applications at your previous companies or prefer working manually??


What does ctrl a do in word?


State the different connection methods used for creating different types of sql.


Is django a cms?


What are keys in reactjs and why are they important?


What are the basic Differences between Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism?


How the telecommunicaton is working?I have heared that one control will be there for asia countries for other countries there will be another,what is that how they work?


How do I make a table of contents?


Which function in ember.js is a boolean function?


Explain how the volume of the fuselage of a commercial passenger aircraft can be computed?


How do I change the color of a form in visual basic?


Mention some of the types of sap fiori apps?


What is objective c used for?


What is a superclass in oop?