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HCL Interview Questions
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advantage of Win NT over Win 95

2 15133

Tell about strtok & strstr functions

2 18578

What is IVR?

8 32430

Main must be written as a.the first function in the program b.Second function in the program c.Last function in the program d.any where in the program

19 31599

main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); } what is the output?

7 25485

Could u tell me, u work as a support & maintenace when sub ledger and gl is mismatch, then how do u match with the both side/

1 2729

what is meant by DML?

5 11464

The Following Characterstics posses some XYZ company. * Uses formal standards and policies * Conducts software inspections * Has advanced configuration management and change control * Uses CASE tools * Has a software engineering process group * Gathers metrics on process and quality * Requires that developers have formal software engineering training * Practices continued process improvement Based on aboue , Tell me which CMM Level is the company..? 1. Level 1 - Initial 2. Level 2 - Repeatable 3. Level 3 - Defined 4. Level 4 - Managed 5. Level 5 - Optimizing


how does a client /server environment affects testing?

3 12204

Which one of the following pairs of aggregate functions do you use with character fields? 1. COUNT(field) and MAX(field) 2. AVG(field) and COUNT(field) 3. MIN(field) and SUM(field) 4. AVG(field) and MAX(field) 5. COUNT(field) and SUM(field)

6 15007

Which clause of an UPDATE statement allows you to affect only certain rows of a table? 1. The WHERE clause 2. The SET clause 3. The ROWS AFFECTED clause 4. The ORDER BY clause

6 13016

If you want a column to be part of the result set, after which SQL keyword does it belong? 1. SELECT 2. FROM 3. WHERE 4. GROUP BY 5. HAVING

10 19227

what is a cluster directory in abap can we read a cluster directory

1 5650

what is the expansion of DSP?

15 22059

what is the use of "grep" command?

6 12221

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hai im going to face ibps SO IT officers grade 1 interview. if anyone had an idea plz tel me expected and experienced questions and mail to


What is plugin setting?


What are the fields in the properties panel of an assignment shape?


What is a c sharp?


Why performance testing is performed? What are tools of performance testing?


what are the 2 other types of views, which are not allowed in release 3.0? : abap data dictionary


Write a function in R language to replace the missing value in a vector with the mean of that vector?


`write a program to display the recomended action depends on a color of trafic light using nested if statments


What is the advantage of spring boot? : Spring Boot


What are the limits for LOD and LOQ?


Differentiate between hashset and treeset.


What do you understand by tomcat-users.xml configuration file?


What are the different types of locks? : abap data dictionary


Why singleton pattern is used in c#?


What is the function of xslt?