i had supply in my previous semester but i cleared it now. Now i am also select for a job where there is a provision that they can select me for the job if i clear all the semester till the time of joining . so can my previous supply effect my job?
2 2881Post New HCL Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
Define slip?
What is the distance between body earthing and neutral earthing.?
What is a 'product hierarchy'?
How can deadlock be prevented?
How much total external data memory that can be interfaced to the 8051?
Is it possible to stop the execution of a method before completion in a sessionbean?
What are the advantages of different types of bdc's?
To test a function, what has to write a programmer, which calls the function to be tested and pass test data.
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What is struts in java?
What is ponter?
What are the other methods working as deployment functionality?
What is :: before in html?
What sorting algorithm does javascript use?
Is priority queue sorted?