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HCL OOPS Interview Questions
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define oops with class and object

5 9513

what is the use of classes in c++;

2 5935

What is conditional Compilation?

3 6358

String = "C++ is an object oriented programming language.An imp feature of oops is classes and objects".Write a pgm to count the repeated words from this scenario?


What is the use of fflush(stdin) in c++?

4 7418

write a c++ code to overload + and - for a stack class such that + provides push and - provides pop operation

1 5635

what is Class in oops with example?

4 6091

How to call a non virtual function in the derived class by using base class pointer

3 5853

What is the difference between the C & C++?

9 9192

What is byval and byref? What are differences between them?


Write a C++ program without using any loop (if, for, while etc) to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 and 100 to 1 (Do not use 200 print statements!!!)


which structured data type is not used in c++? 1.union 2.structure 3.string 4.boolean

2 5545

c++ provides classes...and classes do what we want but why then strcut are used...if we say data hiding... it is also provided by c++ in structs then why to prefer clasess

1 4308

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HCL OOPS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why should we use splunk alert? What are the different options while setting up alerts?


What data type is a string?


How are input and output taxes taken care of in sap?


What are the advantages of ms access over ms sql server?


Which Altera device families does the TimeQuest timing analyzer tool support?


How to know any size of cable if there are not written on cable? Answer must be theurical not by experience.


Dear sir, please send me previos papers of rbi THANKS


How is a structure different from array ?


What is the difference between XML and HTML?


What is the basic difference between pledge, hypothication and mortgage????


What are actions in c#?


Tell us something about different types of casting?


1.Can we use 6.6/11KV 300sq mm xlpe 3core cable for LT use (415 Volt). 2. If we use it for LT then what is the current rating


What are the different verification techniques you know?


How do I copy files recursively onto a target host?