how to send the idoc to multiple sub systems?
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Answer / ajay kolla
if you are sending one idoc is to more systems you are
create one sender logical system and more recive logical
systems in T.CODE is SALE. then yoou are send In T.CODE
Is This Answer Correct ? | 32 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / sainathraj
Then you need to maintain the partner numbers(ie logical
systems) in both SALE(tcode) and BD64. At the same time
maintain partner profiles for each receiver participating in
the communication.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sreedhar
You Have to Maintina distribution model ( BD64 ) for this
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / narasa reddy
When u are sending idoc from one source system to multiple
reciver,frist you should check the logical systems in SALE
tcode. After u should check RFC connection for sender and
recivers systems.if it clear then we should create the port
by we21 tcode, then we should maintain partner profile in we20
then exicute the tcode bd64 for modelview creation here we
will maintain sendor and reciver , message types.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / arun gupta
when sub system means a logical system then its not
possible to send a idoc number to multiple sub systems.
But a idoc number can be send to multiple plant numbers
which can be made possible through BD64.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / nandha
Create Two output type for the same So/PO and assign the
output type in partner profile.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / suresh
As per my knowledge, you cannot send the single IDOC to
multiple system . At a time an IDOC can be directed to only
single system .
Thanks & Regards,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 25 No |
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