Tell me something about your project?
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Answer / sankar
We need to explain the following way ..
what is your project..?
Ans:My Project name is Security Management.
What is the purpose of project..?
Ans: The main purpose of this project is develop to check
user authentication and user management.This project is
main part of our product.
What is your project functions..?
Ans: This project support user access,user
authentication,user and group management,Security audit
Who is the client of the project ..?
Ans: AT&T
How many members working in that project ..?
Ans: 7 members
What is your role in the project ..?
Customer document review
Requirement preparation
Team Management
Design,coding and Unit/IT testing.
Bug fixing and System Test support
Is This Answer Correct ? | 388 Yes | 34 No |
Answer / murty
my project is ERP .
it consists of five main modules production,purchase ,sales
and material management system .
The main aim of the project is
* To save the time and reduce the paper usage.
* To increase the production with proper plane.
* To increase the sales by online marketing.
* To reduce wastage of the raw material by proper
estimation for purchase of the raw material.
I worked in devoloping purchase module .
whenever i want to execute more than one command i used
some stored procedures to reduce the network traffic,
reusability of the code.
this is some thing about my project . Tell me the better
way to explane about my project . what points should be
thank you
Is This Answer Correct ? | 131 Yes | 28 No |
Answer / sandeep kumar
My project is Loan management system. It consists of 4 main
modules admin, customer, officer, and manager.
The main aim of the project is
• Easily provide loans to customers through online.
• To save the time of customers.
• To reduce wastage of paper usage.
It is the individual project. In that my role is
• Requirement Analysis
• Designing and coding
• Testing
• Implementation
• Maintenance
According to my project Loan management system allows users
of the system to register themselves, and apply for loans.
An officer can view the loan requests or forward the request
to the manager. The manager can then sanction/reject the
loan request.
General users of the site are called Visitors. Visitors can
view general information about the bank and the loaning
procedures the bank follows. The system allows the visitor
to apply for a loan. When the visitor submits a temporary
loan application the bank executive can contact the visitor
and setup a meeting. This discussion could also take place
over the phone or by exchange of electronic
mails.Thereafter, the visitor signup and submits a formal
loan application. After signing up with the system the
visitor is identified a customer, with an assigned customer-id.
Thus, Visitors who register with the system become
customers. Each customer has a unique id, using which he can
login into the system. After logging in, a customer can
view/update his profile,change his password and apply for a
loan. He can view the laon status after he has applied for a
Once the customer requests for a loan, the application is
forwarded to the officer. The officer verifies the documents
and loan amount is decided, based on the verified documents.
The officer holds the application, rejects the application,
or forwards the applicaton to manager for sanction. The
manager sees the loan request only after officer verifies
the documents and forwards the request. Finally, the loan is
sanctioned by the manager.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 111 Yes | 15 No |
Hi guys,
My Project Name is Centralized Healthcare System and it is mainly a dynamic website which made for reduce the paper work of health report and pathology report and reduce the work of doctor and report upload on the portal and access from anywhere and in many cases patient lost their medical report or otherwise forgot to take them with hospital so this portal will help them.
Let's see some technical :-
I used Eclipse for project making technology used JAVA,and at the back end Mysql and front end HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
My role was Developer.
There are 4 modules in my Project:-
1. Patient module
2. Doctor module
3. CareTeam module
4. Admin module
I used MVC Architecture and MVC stands for Model, View, Controller. and MVC is a proper presentation to make project clear, easy and understandable.
Before explain the module of my project i explain MVC architecture
Model:- In model package i used only those classes which are use anywhere in whole project like DBConnectivity class and where it is use make the object of the class and use it.
View:- View means how your project will display all the front end side code and packages use in the view package. And every controller have a view.
Controller:- Controller are the classes which are the buisness classes of project in which main logic will program and before display any view firsty it checks at the controller and than run the view.
So first module is :-
Patient Module:
Firstly Patient register himself and than login on the site and than he can take the appointment from particular doctor for particular disease. and upload their report on the server and give rating to that doctor whom he/she took appointment.
Patient can take appointment according to date and on that day availability of doctor of particular disease.
Like Patient module in doctor module doctor firstly register himself or herself and than check the appointment of patient who appoint him and also see the report of patient which are public not private. And doctor can give prescription to the patient related to disease or tablet.
In CareTeam module also CareTeam can register itself on the site and than map patient to related doctor and related to the doctor availability. and CareTeam can also update the report of the patient and also upload the report of the patient . In that situation it can show only those doctor who are not assign on that particular date to the patient.
In the Admin module Admin can Add, update, delete, modify patient, doctor and careteam also .
In the database there are 13 table use.
And for search data use AJAX and JSON for accesing data and for filter .
And i use both side validation like front end validation and server side validation.
why i use both side validation because some use can disable the javascript on the browser so server side validation is required.
And i use DES Encription for encripting password for security.
Thank you...!!!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 42 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / raj
My Project is library information system
the main aim of the project is computerize the paper work in
college library and to maintain the information about books
and user of library in efficiently
we are 2 members as team my friend and me done this project
we done this project for college library
my role is requirements gathering and designing and testing
main functions of project
user authentication
search the book
reserve the book
submit the book
there are four types user was there
clerks enter all book details to the library with isbn no.
act as primary no.
students with can enter to lis with valid user name and
password.they can search for book if book available then he
can request the book then the request displaying to the
clerk the clerk will accept the request and handover the
book to the student
if the book is there in the library but some student taken
already then student can reserve for book.
when the book return to library the lis will inform the
student by message.
student can submit the book to the library by clicking the
submit button for specific book
then the request going to clerk and he will receive the book
if the book submission was late then the lis will make fine
to the students
the librarian
librarian check the details of the fines
the admin add the new students
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / sarika gupta
My project is Land Portal, which consists of tracking the
land buying process by filled various formats by
authenticated users. Along with linked with R&R system to
know about the status of Land Owners to fulfill R&R
There are 7 team members working on project.
my role includes:
1. Requirement gathering
2. documenting
3. cmmunicating the same to development team.
4. mannual testing in test server
5. to finalize the same from users.
6. finally giving the sign off after completing UAT.
7. and then implement the same by educating the users.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 33 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / aok kumar mohapatra
I have done a project based on Train Ticket Reservation System.the main aim of the project is to provide secure and easy way to book train ticket.
it consist of five modules.
* Admin module
* Train details module
* Reservation module
* Billing modules
* Cancellation module.
we had 5 members and in that project my role is to design the train details module.where user can search there train details,fare,timing,etc..i did my project role by the help of UI & php coding and i got so much knowledge by do this project.
Thank You....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ambika
My project name is MEDIA-ERP.Its consist of 7 modules.
i am working maintenance module.Our client is Dailythanthi
newspaper.i done many forms & Reports.some form is asset
warraty,asset detail,manufacture details.Its fully related
to maintain the asset in up to date.Insurance form is main
one.If any cause ie theft or fire,we vl claim insurnce.and
i am also done my reports thats all
Is This Answer Correct ? | 33 Yes | 22 No |
Answer / usha
Now a days everybody having mobiles,but there is no enough
time to charge it,hence this project is used to charge the
mobile phone battery after receiving power wirelessly,hence
there is no need to put the mobile phones in plug to charge it.
In our project have transmitter as well as receiver part. in
transmitter side hv transformer,rectifier circuit,micro
controller,NE555 timer,Metal Transistor,Transmitting coil
and RX side hv receiver coil and charging ckt.
The main merits of our project is
1.Required no wire
2.Easy to transmit
3.Cost reduction
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 15 No |
Answer / suraj anand
My project Name is Onlne Sports Management system.
This System provides players for registering itself . players can pay their fees and get rooms in college for accommodation. players Can also see their performance and game timing . After the event completion players can download the participation certificate.
There are two modules in this project.
Aim of project
1.It manages the activity of many sports at a time.
2.Players Will consume less amount of time as compared to the manual work.
3. It will save papers that use in registration or payment time.
4.It will take care of all the servicing activity in a quick manner .
Functions Of project
1.Quick registration ,payment and room allotment
2.Players Can see the game timing and their Performance.
3.Players can also upload and download pictures ,video of the sweet memories.
4.After the Event Completion, Players Can download the participation certificate.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
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Q1. A. How can we determine performance standards? B. Write note on chaining views. Q2. A. Discuss the working with task in Gantt chart view. B. Explain the creation project schedule. Q3. A. What is understand in resource tracking? B. Write short notes on Caturing Baseline. Q4. A. How to customize workgroup message? B. How to use hyperlink? Q5. A. Explain the installation of project server? B. Discuss the working with to-do lists. Q6. A. Explain the working of templates? B. What is visual basic? C. Write shortnotes on user forms.