How do you debug your java program?

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How do you debug your java program? ..

Answer / vidhya

1. Debugging Java program is done using Sysout's.
2. If an error occurs and we are not able to guess where it
occurs, Sysout can be given line by line and checked.
3. One can use LogWriter/LogManager which will also help us
write into a file and see the error/exception.
4. One needs to import log4j.jar and log4j.xml/properties
file where the logfile name and path is specified.

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How do you debug your java program? ..

Answer / aashish r. wadhokar

Java programs can be debug using Sysout statement of System
class and output of these statements can be find on console
in eclypse.
or catalina.out file of tomcat server
or we can configure our project's log file using log4j.jar file

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