macros and function are related in what aspect? a)recursion b)varying no of arguments c)hypochecking d)type declaration
12 34535# define prod(a,b)=a*b main() { int x=2; int y=3; printf("%d",prod(x+2,y-10)); } the output of the program is a.8 b.6 c.7 d.none
7 19607Given an array of characters, how would you reverse it? How would you reverse it without using indexing in the array?
1 9115Implement a function that returns the 5th element from the end in a singly linked list of integers in one pass.
11 17933If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array and start and end positions of the array..The sub array must be contiguious. Take the start add to be 4000. For Ex if we have an array arr[] = {-1,-2,-5,9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5,-3} here the sub array of max would be {8,7,6,5} coz the sum of max contiguous array is 8+7+6+5 = 26.The start and end position is 4014(8) and 4020(5).
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What are the different categories you can categorize the sequence learning process?
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What is meant by day types?
Accounting concepts are broad basic assumptions that underlie the periodic financial accounts of business enterprises. Discuss
Are you willing to work overtime at Pizza Express?
While converting delta into star or star into delta ,the three values of resistances remains unchanged .Find out the value?Let In star R1=x;r2=x;R3=x On converting into delta,R12=x;R23=x;R31=x Find the value of x
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