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Microsoft Interview Questions
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What method must be overridden in a custom control? a) The Paint() method b) The Control_Build() method c) The Render() method d) The default constructor

1 20791

You are using the try? catch block seen in the following code segment, but no exceptions are ever caught by the catch block. What is the problem? SqlConnection cn =new sqlConnection(strSQL); SqlDataSet ds; try {; //perform the data processing steps ??.. } catch (OleDbException e) { ?.. } a) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlErrors. b) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlSyntaxExceptios. c) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlExceptions. d) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlExcptions.

2 5918

macros and function are related in what aspect? a)recursion b)varying no of arguments c)hypochecking d)type declaration

12 34535

what do you mean by .Net Framework

17 34965

what is the difference between procedures,attributes and functions?

1 6532

# define prod(a,b)=a*b main() { int x=2; int y=3; printf("%d",prod(x+2,y-10)); } the output of the program is a.8 b.6 c.7 d.none

7 19608

main difference between asp.net2.0,asp.net1.1,asp.net1.0

15 51519

why .net does not support multiple inheritance?

2 6247

What is middleware?

1 5862

The slogan ?Work is Worship? was coined by (a) Gandhiji (b) Basavana (c) Visvesvaraya (d) Buddha

6 16423

What is the use of edititem template ingridview?

1 4624

Without QTP (or any Testing tool) can we able to test the GUI part of the Applications. for Example generating the Scripts in Notepad and Executing them Using VB. Is it Possible to do so.. Correct me if iam wrong some where.

8 10225

Implement a function that returns the 5th element from the end in a singly linked list of integers in one pass.

11 17933

how can i return string by vilating duplicates(inpyt like asdfsda but output should be 2a2d2sf and 2a,2d,2s,f)

2 5520

Write a program to find the smallest and largest element in a given array in c language

11 53097

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What is the difference between a candidate key and primary key?


What is auto-scaling? How does it work?


How to improve session performance in aggregator transformation?


What is the transaction code to maintain the authorization main switch?


What is the purpose of lambda expressions?


What is c++ iterator?


What is the difference between testing and verification?


Explain what is diagnostics in windows azure?


How foundation is designed, Column design and beam design


What is protein - according to chemistry?


What is breadcrumb in bootstrap and how we can use it?


Mention some action filters which are used regularly in ASP.Net MVC?


please tell me friends what are the formats of excise return and vat return?


Does c have function or method?


What is vendor tool and give examples?