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Microsoft PHP Interview Questions
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How can we encrypt and decrypt a data present in a mysql table using mysql?

3 14838

Explain different types of errors in PHP (i.e. arguments in errorreporting function)?

8 22568

at present am learning lamp course sir ..i want to know the carrer prospectus in php there any companies recruiting freshers in chennai ..for freshers how much can i demand as a fresher in php ....?i finished my mca ..please sugggest me to face interview in php asking salary details and all please suggest me how much can i ask as a fresher in php ? and also tel is there any openings in chennai for recruting php freshers send their emails and company info please ? please send ur valuable suggestions to i hope u wil reply to my question thank u guys bye take care see u soon all the best to everyone

1 3268

Post New Microsoft PHP Interview Questions

Microsoft PHP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is a .db file?


What is isset function?


Mention a few benefits of using css sprites.


What are the shortcut keys to insert a new row in an excel spreadsheet?


I was once rejected for US visa in early August. But now I'm going again for interview next week. What are the chances that I will faced the same VO????


What is meant by a * search algorithm?


What are different types of expressions supported by JSF EL?


How do I view tables in mysql?


Which command is used to restrict incoming messages?


How do I check if port 22 is open?


What is a database schema in oracle?


Why shouldn’t I start variable names with underscores?


Can you explain Does "AMD Turion 64 X2 Processor TL50, 1.6 GHz " supports Solaris 10?


Explain Secret splitting protocol?


What is seo and list types?