What are the skills required to be a project manager? Followup question, Rate yourself in each of the skill with examples.
18 37745Suppose you did all your work in a 32 bit system, the production server is 64 bit system, you find that during UAT, the system fails and is not working, how will u communicate to your customer, what solution will you provide to the client?
6 16362Post New Microsoft Project Management Interview Questions
List some features yii 2 framework?
What do you understand by $watch?
What is benefit of creating memory optimized table?
Explain the procedure for manual testing.
Define the term cross-validation
When users are navigating through the Amazon website, they are performing several actions. What is the best way to model if their next action would be a purchase?
Describe your approach to project management when overseeing the launch of a new product line or implementing process changes.
Explain the use of contextutil class?
What is jaxm messaging models?
What are the weights in pounds of liquid gallons?
What is the use of mysql_fetch_array () function in php?
How do I make tabs smaller?
Name the different lookup cache(s)?
If a variable contains letters or special characters, can it be numeric data type?
How to delete an object from the object repository?