how we can make 3d venturing graphics on outer interface
Explain enumerated types.
How can I generate floating-point random numbers?
What does == mean in texting?
Can a pointer be static?
What is context in c?
Identify the operators that is not used with pointer a. && b. # c. * d. >>
what's the return value of malloc()
main() { int i = 1; int num[] = {1,2,3,4}; num[i] = i++; printf("%d", num[i]); } what will be the output? }
22 Answers NDS, TCS,
Ca some one please help me with aC code to allow user enter numbers from 1 to 20 without repeating and prnt the sum of those numbers thnx
Explain how can I convert a string to a number?
what does " calloc" do?
Explain the difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function?