How do you ensure that your project plan is available for others to see? Where will you find the plans of other projects executed (in the past or currently) in the center?
2234When do revise your project plan? When do you know you have to revise your project plan? Where is the plan revision frequency documented?
3 9401How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?
3081Write a function that counts the number of primes in the range [1-N]. Write the test cases for this function.
2 17996Given a MAKEFILE (yeah a makefile), design the data structure that a parser would create and then write code that iterates over that data structure executing commands if needed.
5419Write a function that inserts an integer into a linked list in ascending order. Write the test cases for this function.
5298You have 3 jars. Each jar has a label on it: white, black, or white&black. You have 3 sets of marbles: white, black, and white&black. One set is stored in one jar. The labels on the jars are guaranteed to be incorrect (i.e. white will not contain white). Which jar would you choose from to give you the best chances of identifying the which set of marbles in is in which jar?
12 31312Post New Microsoft Project Planning Interview Questions
What is xaml in wpf?
journal entry for vendor and depreciation
What is the secondary structure of a protein?
What are joins and different types joins?
What events are supported by readable streams in node.js?
Which property needs to be set for script manager control to extend the time before throwing time out expection if no response is received from the server?
Explain the function of //cntl statement?
Explain controlling area. What are its uses?
What do you understand by exception handling in pl/sql?
Explain the CLI In Zookeeper?
Can you create a updatecascade, Deletecascade relation in Ms- Access? If no, give on eample.
Tell us how do you supply construction arguments into a fragment?
What is the difference between function and stored procedure in sql server?
What is the use pivot table in excel?
What is crud operations in java?