When is the last time you coded in C/C++? What is the most lines of original C/C++ code you have personally written in one project? How confident are you in your ability to write C or C++ without a reference?
1 3660Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers from 1-1000 and to output the factorial value of that number, how would you test this program? You do not have access to the code. Please be as specific as possible.
4 10095Post New Microsoft C++ General Interview Questions
What is the use of stock requirement list?
are you competitive for journalist job? Give an example? : Journalist
Differentiate web testing and wap testing.
how you can call multiple listeners in JSF?
Implement a function with both ratioes and domino logic and merits and demerits of each logic?
Are the resulting relations of PRODUCT and JOIN operation the same?
Explain conductivity, resistivity and resistance?
What is meant by a bolt dispute?
How is time management and payroll is integrated?
What is a behavior?
What is click of death hard drive?
Why unix terminals are called dummy terminals?
What do spark executors manage?
What is a framework for automation testing?
What is n-tier system?