Why GIT better than Subversion?
how can i access a direct (absolute, not the offset) memory
here is what i tried:
wrote a program that ask's for an address from the user,
creates a FAR pointer to that adress and shows it. then the
user can increment/decrement the value in that address by
pressing p(inc+) and m(dec-).
NOW, i compiled that program and opened it twice (in 2
different windows) and gave twice the same address to it.
now look what happen - if i change the value in
one "window" of the program, it DOES NOT change in the
other! even if they point to the same address in the memory!
here is the code snippet:
Can I write my own .net host?
Compare between FCOE and iSCSI
What are relation objects in dataset?
How do you create a drop down list in excel based on a cell value?
what is the process to find that one consultant had removed a table from sap tables
store officer most important goal for next year
What is the schema of a table?
What are the structures of the products of this reaction, and how are they identified?
Where is drop cap in word?
How to disable foreign key constraint in postgresql?
List some Technology characteristic of Bluetooth?
What are R/3 Basis configurations?
How to Determine whether itis a canvas is a Metafile Canvas?