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Microsoft Microsoft Certifications Interview Questions
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Sir, I need to do my certification course for .NET. Will u provide me the information of how to prepare for the certification test. And also specify me the online books that is useful in studing for .NEt platform

3 10532

What is Active Directory Database Location?

2 10830

What is the order in which GPOs are applied?

1 3924

Q.1. You set up scheduled tasks to run & notify you of any failures. 3 days later you see that none of the tasks ran & you received no notifications. What to do?

2 6200

someone asked me what Microsoft subjects i want to learn? and i said i want to learn Windows and Exchange. so could u tell me what related subjects in windows? and what related subjects in Exchange?

2 4254

What is Micro soft?

2 5511

Post New Microsoft Microsoft Certifications Interview Questions

Microsoft Microsoft Certifications Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is marginal standing facility (msf)?


Write a program to create a process in UNIX


How do you do client-side validation in .net? How to disable validator control by client side javascript?


How to calculate the cement plastering for circular and rectangular water storage tanks and how to calculate the area of circular and rectangular floor?? Please help me


Is node js asynchronous by default?


How can you find out which stored procedures are recompiling?


Explain the difference between server control and html control.


How do I write a c++ program?


Give syntax for SQL and ORACLE joins.


Explain the file needed to boot win-xp?


What is Web Server Control Templates.?


How to assign any program to user?


What is a 3 tier architecture?


Which parts of an xml document are case-sensitive?


What are the differences between getting and load method?