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Microsoft Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is automation Framework?

3 46022

What is the power factor you maintain at ur organization?

43 83099

What is Difference between thread and process?

28 262170

What is the difference between mutex and semaphore?

14 58408

What is the difference between a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment operator?

4 23331

what are the events in ABAP?

18 71464

How to test API's?

12 47069

Difference between static global and global?

16 41310

why you want to join our companey

7 71115

what is view state

5 9098

How to display names of all components in a Container?


Give a fast way to multiply a number by 7

15 49207

when the user control event occur in ASp page life cycle?

3 11789

How to write Negative test cases?

12 46316

What type of document produce SRS. WHAT type of document produce FS(functional spec.) what type of document produce SDS(design spec.) Please give me a hierarchy of process of document, which the companies follow

3 12192

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Microsoft Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is sequence in hibernate?


What are the key elements available in test result window?


How you restrict a user to cut and paste from the html page using java programing?


How do you define an own view for alternative label?


Where would you research a prospect before you reach out? : insurance cold calling


Explain what is the purpose of linq providers in linq?


What Is A Multicast Delegate?


Why spring framework is introduced?


What is the difference between consigner and consignee?


What is a myeloma cell?


What is Bagging and Boosting?


What advantages does fiber optics have over other media?


Difference between search specification and search constant


What is data string?


What are the different configurations which have to be considered while testing a website?