About Assembly in .NET, types of assemblies, their difference, How to register into GAC. How to generate the strong names & its use ?
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Ow binding works in mxml components in flex? : adobe flex action script
What are the different types of QA Testing approaches and the process of each?
How is len() different from cap() function?
Why is the prime motive behind companies using private cloud?
What are the provisions to protect the interest of small depositors?
What are window functions in sql server?
What are the distinctive sorts of invigorating data for our distributed reports?
Can we create a trigger on view?
How many types of cursors are available in pl/sql?
What are thread priorities and importance of thread priorities in java?
List the events in page life cycle.
How do I find tools on windows 10?
What is transfer learning, and when would you use it?
Can we delete data from a view?
Will system restore delete my files?