Which built-in method returns the characters in a string beginning at the specified location?
What is an impersonation, and when would you use impersonation?
What is chemical composion test
What is your Future Plans for the Company if Permanently Employed?
What is python's parameter passing mechanism?
Which one of the following suits the description of a string better: derived or primitive?
Can anyone give comparative data of NPA(non performing assets) of nationalised banks or BANKS IN INDIA for the last 5-10 years if possible with bifurcation substandard doubtful loss asset
What is use of @postconstruct?
What is isa relationship?
What is aura:registerevent in lightning component?
What are the different types of scripting techniques for automation testing?
What are the steps through which democratic countries select their politician?
What is verification in software testing?
What is frozenset?
How to get current date in postgresql?