What is the use of sqlerrd 3?
How do I run a trace in sql server?
What are your strengths and talents?
One House is being constructed by an Civil Engg. all pillars are as per structure, but north side there should be 4 pillars among two at back side were 6" inside from the border and remaining two comes front were placed 1'6" inside. is it ok as per vaastu, else if i alter the alignment what would be the best idea, kindly help me.
Human anatomy and physiology
how to i get B licence,i am completed BE electircal and electronics engineering.i want to konw the proceduure to get b licence
What are blocks in blockchain technology?
Define personal connection? : sap bobi
What is synchronization linux?
What is meant by forced commutation?
What is control flow function?
Can the user toggle between using Local OR and shared OR for the same action?
How do you tell if windows 10 is corrupted?
Explain the application life cycle of yii framework ?
what is the difference between Microcontroller and Macro Processor ?