If you are working on a SQL database and if suddenly a developer changes the code and your queries results start giving errors,how will you check using a T-SQL query (on system tables) that what has changed in the database.
2 6441What is the differecne between equi-join and inner-join and natural join..Is there any difference or all are same?
8 518291.What is the deferece between DBMS & RDBMS? 2.How can you trouble shoot? If u will get error while installing sql server? 3.How can u trouble shoot slow running query? 4.how can u trouble log shipping errors? 5.why do we use merge replication instead of T.log replication?
7 11471Why we need to use secondry database file? though, we can do same work using primary database file also.
2 6194Post New Microsoft SQL Server Interview Questions
what is special purpose ledger in SAP.. is it required to configure in ECC 6.0 since New GL concept is active?
What is identifier in c?
What is Pig Storage?
Does any one have Performance test plan and Security test plan? Please help me as i need it ASAP... Thanks in Advance.
• What is your weakness?
Is the address bus unidirectional?
What are the causes of unbalanced current on 34.5kv feeder Ia=0.05,Ib= 0.25, Ic=0.15 and In=0.27 prior to tripping current are balance?
how to clear the search history?
What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule ifn ? Secreted by th or tc cell?
plz. give some tablet name protection for pragnent. i married about 10 year ago.
How can I tell if my isp is blocking ports?
How much cement and sand required for 9"brick wall per square metre
Explain about pub-sub architecture, where do you implemented this?
Hi Please tell me about ERP Project how do describe in interview Please tell me details about this project my id is chiku_69@yahoo.in
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using react components?