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Microsoft C Sharp Interview Questions
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Does C# supports multi-dimensional arrays ?

4 15472

How do you create multiple inheritance in C#?

5 9149

Difference between ByVal and ByRef?

5 17563

How do you implement multiple inheritance in .NET?

5 9680

Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance?

4 11298

What does assemblyinfo.cs consists ?

4 13109

Does C# supports multi-dimensional arrays?

3 8032

How to transpose rows into columns and columns into rows in a multi-dimensional array?

4 23662

What are object oriented concepts?

6 8049

How do you create multiple inheritance in C#?

5 21095

What are the security issues if we send a query from the application?

1 5418

How do you implement multiple inheritance in .NET?

10 18174

Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance?

17 113578

In a stored procedure 4 select stmts there.If error comes in one select stmt will remaining normally executes?

7 11719

In gridview in editmode if we want to display information in one combobox based on


Post New Microsoft C Sharp Interview Questions

Microsoft C Sharp Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can you get viruses on ubuntu?


Explain the difference between the law of multiple proportions and the law of definite proportions?


For better search what we can do in drupal 7?


What are the types of attributes?


How the PF control while running DG set with load


Tell me how you can adjust entries into account?


If the distance separating two charges is doubled, the force between them decreases by what multiple factor?


Explain what is tomcat valve?


#define f(g,h) g##h main O int i=0 int var=100 ; print f ("%d"f(var,10));} wat would be the output??


Define decoding or deserialization?


Which tool is best for virtual automation?


Explain the difference between server.transfer and response.redirect?


How many types of serialization are there in c#?


how to create constain picklist?process suppose country field is there and state field is there,when user selected Australia in country,i have to display aus related states only states field? pls senme ans to (


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