Given an array of characters, how would you reverse it? How
would you reverse it without using indexing in the array?

Given an array of characters, how would you reverse it? How would you reverse it without using ind..

Answer / abdur rab

#include <stdio.h>

void reverse ( char* cp_str )
char* cp_rev_ptr = NULL;
cp_rev_ptr = cp_str;
while ( ( cp_rev_ptr ) && ( *cp_rev_ptr != '\0' ) )

while ( cp_str < cp_rev_ptr ) {
*cp_str ^= *cp_rev_ptr ^= *cp_str ^=

int main ( int argc, char* argv [] )
char array [] = {"dlroW olleH"};

printf ("\nBefore :%s", array );
reverse ( array );
printf ("\nAfter :%s", array );

return ( 0 );

Before :dlroW olleH
After :Hello World

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