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1 5761Post New Microsoft Mechatronics Engineering Interview Questions
What is socket programming in java?
What does tcp/ip stand for?
How ms word is useful?
how to caluclate sienerge qty in construction in ap
How can I get tier value in magento 2?
What is the meaning of sap r/3?
Is access better than excel?
What is orm entity framework?
A field containing currency amounts (data type curr) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain?
What are the disadvantages of using a spreadsheet?
How will you calculate the number of executors required to do real-time processing using Apache Spark? What factors need to be considered for deciding on the number of nodes for real-time processing?
What is smoke testing and user interface testing ?
What is the use of change log table?
1.what is the difference between snr and cnr?why cnr is used in satellite communication? 2.prove that power spectral density of gaussian noise os n/2
How do I search for excel files on my computer?