Why we need to use secondry database file? though, we can
do same work using primary database file also.

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Why we need to use secondry database file? though, we can do same work using primary database file..

Answer / sivasql

The reason for secondary database files:

1. Performance
Say if we keep Read-Only and Read-Write data on the same
Primary files, fragmentation on the file will be huge. To
avoid this we can place them separate files.

2. Maintenance
If the Read-Only objects are kept on separate file, the Re-
Index sort of maintenance activities need not be performed
on this file.

3. Backup
The Read-only secondary file need not be backed on every
file level backup, it saves time

4. Microsoft Standard
Microsoft advise to keep the Primary filegroup with the
primary file to keep system related objects.

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Why we need to use secondry database file? though, we can do same work using primary database file..

Answer / sagi.rahul

Secondary files can be used to spread data across multiple
disks by putting each file on a different disk drive which
will improve i/o.

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