What r sql reporting services and analysis services? how
can we use it.
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Answer / madhu
Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited
for clarity
Lukasz Pawlowski, Program Manager for Reporting Services
Brian Welcker, Group Program Manager for SQL Server
Reporting Services
Jason Carlson, Product Unit Manager for SQL Server Reporting
Kurt Windisch, PASS Director of Program Development
Stephen Dybing: SQL Server MVP Lead
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Welcome to today's SQL Server Reporting Services chat. I
will ask the hosts to introduce themselves.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Welcome everyone, my name is Lukasz Pawlowski. I’m a Program
Manager for Reporting Services.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
I'm Brian Welcker, Group Program Manager for SQL Server
Reporting Services.
Host: Kurt (PASS)
Hi, I'm Kurt Windisch, PASS Director of Program Development.
Thanks for joining us today!
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
I am Jason Carlson; Product Unit Manager for SQL Server
Reporting Services
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
And... I am Stephen Dybing, SQL Server MVP Lead. Glad you
all could make it today!
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: SQL Reporting Services, is it a brand creation or using
Crystal Reporting Engine?
A: Reporting Services is an all new product, created in 100%
managed code.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Are SQL Server Reporting Services slated to be released
as an add-on for SQL Server 2000 (along the lines of
Notification Services/XML Services) or are they a feature of
A: The exact licensing of Reporting Services has not yet
been finalized. We anticipate the licensing will be similar
to that of Analysis Services or Notification Services.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What are the basic components of SQL Reporting Services?
A: 3 core components - Report Server, Report Designer,
Report Server Database
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will reporting services work with Excel 97/2000?
A: Excel support will be 2K or XP.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will Rep Services support multi-column reports?
A: We will support multi (snaking) columns.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will it support graphs, grouping?
A: Yes. And Yes.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What is SQL R. Services about?
A: It’s a new platform for managed reporting.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will the rep servcs leverage analysis services (olap cubes)?
A: Yes. You will be able to query analysis services data
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What designer interfaces will it provide?
A: The Report Designer that comes with Reporting Services is
hosted in Visual Studio .NET. We expect 3rd parties to also
target the Report Definition XML format.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Can SQL Reporting Services be a stand alone server?
A: Yes. Report Server is a web service that can be accessed
using SOAP. Other report can be published and viewed
directly against the server without the need for other software.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What formats will the reports be created in?
A: Reports are defined in XML, generated in an abstract
representation, and then rendered to a variety of formats
(HTML, PDF, Excel, custom)
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Does this service parallel SQL Analysis Services?
A: Like Analysis Services, Reporting Services is an add-on
to SQL Server 2000.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: (followup) Are Reporting Services dependent on a
particular version of SQL Server? (E.g., SQL Server 2000, Yukon)
A: The initial release will require SQL Server 2000. It will
also be included with Yukon.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting Services leverage Outlook/Exchange,
Sharepoint, CMS and other Microsoft products?
A: Yes. Some initially and more after release.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: We have a large number of asp based reports will this be
relatively easy to migrate to the RDL format proposed in
Reporting Services?
A: Depending on the functionality you expose in your report
presentation interface, this should be easy. Displaying data
in tables, graphs, cross-tabs will all be extremely easy.
One limitation will be custom visual controls embedded in
the report. However, most of that can be solved by using
Report Actions.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Is there a white paper somewhere we can look at?
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: When is the beta coming out?
A: Public beta in the Fall of this year, release by the end
of 2003.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Is there an ActiveX control that will allow a report to
be display on another web page?
A: Not in V1. You can do this easily using a standard web
form and displaying an HTML rendering of the report. We are
planning a Web Form control for the Yukon timeframe.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What distribution mechanisms does it support?
A: Included in the release is E-mail and File shares. You
can build additional ones through our API.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What's "(snaking) columns?"
A: Like a newspaper.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Is it designed to be a provider of XML or a completely
formatted presentation tool?
A: We support both outputting reports as XML and in high
fidelity graphic output formats such as TIFF. The output
formats are extensible so if you do not find what you need
in our set, you can always extend the server.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: How will Reporting Services integrate into portal services?
A: We plan to provide Web Parts that work with Reporting
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will it be able to export out in .PDF?
A: Yes. We have implemented our own PDF generation code. You
will not need a license of Acrobat to create PDF reports.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: How is it different from Crystal Enterprise?
A: It will be from Microsoft. :)
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: I assume by managed code you mean code using .net framework?
A: Yes, it is written in c#, it uses .NET Framework.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will RS be suitable to run on W2kAS with SQL2K EE or will
it require Win2003 server?
A: Yes. RS will run on Win 2K Server, AS, EE. and Windows
2003 server.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will it bi drag-n-drop Designer?
A: There are things you can drag and drop, yes.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Can the results produced by Reporting Service be inserted
in to a Word Document?
A: We will support rendering to RTF.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Are there COM+ interfaces for reporting services?
A: No. Reporting Services exposes 3 interfaces: SOAP, WMI,
and URL Access. SOAP is the primary interface for
publishing, managing, and accessing reports. WMI is used to
configure the server, and URL access allows quick and easy
Portal integration.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What products are Reporting Services slated to compete
A: Other server-based managed Reporting products.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What are report actions?
A: Report Actions allow the report to make a HTTP Get
request, Drill through to another report or navigate to
another area of the report.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Where can I find the current spec for the Report
Definition Language (RDL)?
A: We are still reviewing it with partners. We will make it
publicly available soon.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: So no web based designers then?
A: Currently No. Since RDL is an open XML format, users will
be able to add this functionality to their applications or
build web based designers to satiate the market place needs.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Can we get a brief summary of the main features of sql
report services?
A: See
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Do you perceive the capabilities to be such that we could
actually replace Crystal in our implementations?
A: You should evaluate the public beta to see whether
Reporting Services meets your needs.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: is for also doing reports on data of olap cubes or on
relational databases? (sorry for mi english)
A: Yes. We support OLAP and Relational datasources. Our data
source architecture is extensible leveraging the power of
ADO.Net. Essentially, if you can build an ADO.Net data
provider for your data source, Reporting Services can report
off of it.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can data be exported to the Excel XML format?
A: No, but we will support exporting to XLS. We also have an
XML export that could be transformed.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: When will a trial version be available?
A: Public beta will be released in the fall. At RTM, we will
have an evaluation version.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: If you can export the report to OWC in HTML, does this
page use PivotTable Service to be able to alter the slice of
the pivot?
A: No, we send XML to OWC.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will SQL Reporting Require IIS to run? Most 3 party
reporting Apps do.
A: Yes. Report Server is a web services that is hosted
inside ASP.Net and IIS.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: it supports e-mail distribution. SMTP?
A: Yes, SMTP
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting Services be able to connect to non-SQL
Server data sources? Like Access or Oracle or XML-based data
A: Yes, we will support OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, SQL, and
Analysis Services. You can also use any .NET data provider.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: When will we be able to see some screen shots of the
reporting services components, and some sample report output?
A: Lots more information as we get closer to beta 2.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What will be price range?
A: Pricing has not been set, but the most likely case is
that is will be priced the same SQL Server 2000.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting against OLAP sources work in the first
version? I heard that this will be in a later release...
A: Yes.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Can report services be installed on a Win 2K Professional
machine that has MSDE installed? Are there any licensing
issues with deploying to a large number of desktops?
A: Reporting Services will be licensed with SQL Server, so
you do not need MSDE.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What kind of statistical analysis can the report designer
produce directly?
A: Not sure what you mean. We have computed expressions in
the report. Reporting Services is not a statistical package.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: What kind of statistical analysis can the report designer
produce directly?
A: Reports can contain expressions and custom assemblies. We
expose a set of aggregate functions (running summation,
standard deviation, etc.). You can add more complicated
expressions and link in code to get the desired level of
statistical analysis.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: PKumar, based on the Tech Ed presentation, Reporting
Services is a Server type tool. It isn't intended to be used
as a client tool with MSDE, although it can certainly access
MSDE data sources.
A: Reporting Services is a Server. We also plan to ship
client components in VS in the future.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Does the report viewer (assuming there is one beyond IE)
allow you to search the report for specific text?
A: Both the HTML Viewer and the rich client viewer will
allow you to search for text.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will be there wizards to import reports from Crystal?
A: We will not be providing any. We will import from Access.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will the Reporting Service provide any automation or
scheduling capability?
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
A: Yes, a complete API and scheduling integrated with SQL
Server Agent
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What benefit does exporting to OWC give you if the data
is static?
A: It allows the user to filter and export to Excel on the
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Does it need any special tools to be installed on the
client machine? If it’s so, what are the requirements for a
client machine?
A: For viewing, just IE5. For designing reports, you need
Visual Studio.NET.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Can you give a small example how we can use it as a tool
to provide a customized reporting tool for a web based
A: To define a report, you use RDL. RDL is an XML format
with a published schema. As such your web based application
can provide the ability for users to author reports. You
would use SOAP to publish the report. Then you would create
a web forms control to display the rendered report.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will the C# source code be available?
A: No
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: How does it Support Multilingual Reports?
A: Reporting Services is fully localized, which means you
can write reports in any language. We do not provide
"dynamic" report localization.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting Services support Analysis Services "drill
to detail" and "actions" features?
A: No currently, but we plan to support it in “Yukon”
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: How to secure the beta? I applied, but it's not known who
will receive it.
A: We are in the process of taking applications. We have not
yet decided which customers will receive the beta.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can reports be generated on a SQL trigger?
A: Yes, you could call our SOAP API from a Trigger
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: So won't run on Windows 2000 Pro with SQL 2000?
A: No, Windows XP or Win2K Server.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will rep srvcs be able to download cube data?
A: You can connect to an Analysis Services cube.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: We use Crystal Reports today, and have a set format, so
all of our reports look the same. Would Reporting Services
be able to take a result set from a stored procedure and put
it into a template that we specify, so we spend near 0 time
creating reports?
A: Yes we can take a result set from a SP, but we do not
support templates yet.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will it support ad-hoc reporting?
A: No
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: How will Reporting Services be integrated with Data Analyzer?
A: We are working on plans for Data Analyzer within Ofice.
More info to be announced.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What security measures are intergrated.. can we use AD
for example?
A: Yes
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: What 3rd party report designers support RDL?
A: We are working with a number of 3rd Party ISVs who have
expressed interested in generating RDL. At this time we do
not have a fixed list.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Is the Reporting Services come with SQL2K and free? How
long does it take to install and test samples which come
with the software?
A: See above for information on licensing. Installation
takes approximately 10 minutes. Testing samples should be
simple (they should just work J).
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Is the Reporting Service comparable to product like
Knowsys, Bus Object, Brio, Autate?
A: Reporting Services is a managed reporting product. It is
not an ad-hoc / analysis product. You can compare it to
other reporting products.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What formats will be available for delivery via Email?
A: All of the formats we support are available for email
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting Services support Analysis Services
formatting (colors, numeric formats)?
A: Yes, but not in the SQL2K Version.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Can the RS Server, SQL 2000 Server and Analysis Server
installed on the same machine assuming that we have no
hardware resources issues?
A: Yes.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Is there any event support in report and its parts (like
AfterBandPrinted or ReportComplete)?
A: Not currently, we are considering adding these events.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will Reporting Services support interactive Graphs and
A: We plan to allow for drill through on Graphs and charts.
Using OWC rendering you can actually play with the data
contained in the charts.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: Will there be an out of the box web based mechanism for
users to request reports?
A: The report server is URL addressable. Therefore users may
use the browser. We are providing an ASP .NET application to
manage and navigate the namespace.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: RTF, XSL, ok... then is DHTML used ? What kind of wysiwyg
can we expect?
A: We support all of the formats you asked. The designer is
generally WYSIWYG.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: What interfaces and components will be exposed to C#
A: A complete SOAP API for report management, and rendering.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: What characteristics are you looking for in deciding who
receives the beta?
A: There are no such characteristics. Beta 2 will be public.
Submit your contact information at
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will this help me manage the PivotTable Excel 2k OLAP
reports ALREADY written?
A: No
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Why no direct support for Excel XML format? What is the
best option for a high fidelity transfer to Excel on the client?
A: We write Excel HTML so we can support Excel 2K as well.
Excel XML is not fully complete. Our XML renderer is.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Without using template, how do you create report? I am
A: When defining a report you specify which data to retrieve
and how to layout that data. This is report creation. Once
you have created the report you publish it to the report
server. When a user requests that report, we render it into
the desired output format (excel/HTML/PDF/etc.)
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can you merge various sub reports into different sections
of the main report?
A: Yes
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: Can a report created in Reporting Services connect to
Multiple Data Sources?
A: Yes
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: will existing SQL 2K dev edition users have access to
this product? Or will an upgrade be required?
A: Yes - SQL Dev Editions will have access to the product.
An upgrade is required to deploy.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What kind of interactivity can we expect from a report
against OLAP source? Drill down/up/across? Or is it just a
static report? Can you drill in relational reports?
A: Interactivity works with all data sources. Drill up,
down, through. We don't generate queries on the fly,
however. Manipulation is done with the initial data set.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Pls confirm if XML is the main tool to represent or
output report used in Rpt Services.
A: No, XML is used to represent the report definition. It
can also be an export format.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Does it support clustering?
A: We support network load balanced (NLB) clustering. Report
server is a stateless web service. As such placing it in a
NLB cluster will handle both fail over and scale out.
Additionally, the report server database can exist on a
Failover clustered sql server database.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: When is the beta of SQL Server Reporting Services likely
to begin?
A: Beta 2 will be deployed end of summer.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: When will MOC courses come out for RS?
A: Look for these near the beta.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can the Charts (e.g. Bar Chart) be automatically updated
continuously when data is updated in SQL2K DB? e.g. stock
price application
A: Reports can be set to auto refresh on the client and
updated on the server based on any event.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will the public beta be part of the MSDN subscription?
A: Yes
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Does RS support any statistical analysis or we have to do
the analysis in SP then output to RS?
A: You can write custom functions in the report to calculate
values. However, it may not meet your need.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Can an RDL report be used in a stand-alone application
without the RS Server present?
A: Not in V1. In future version we will support hosting
reports in stand-alone applications.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: How will the security on reports work?
A: The report server implements a role based security model.
All content managed by the report server, including reports,
may be secured. This includes who has access to the report
and what they can do to the report.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Licensing: If we use per user licensing on SQL 2000, than
Rep Svcs will be limited to the number of licenses?
A: Yes. You can always buy more licenses, though. :)
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: what's the report server database contains exactly?
A: Metadata about security, scheduling, hierarchy, and is
used to store the processed reports for Caching, History and
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will you provide a sample in the Beta of a high fidelity
export to Excel 2K/XP using Excel HTML?
A: Yes. Excel rendering is slated to be included in the
public beta.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What kind of graphs supported?
A: Reporting Services will have a full charting library.
Lots of types.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Does Report Services support publising single report on
Multiple devices?
A: Yes
Host: Kurt (PASS)
Q: This is for KurtW - will reporting services be shown or
featured in sessions in the PASS conference this fall?
A: There will be a full day seminar on RS and we will have
some great sessions by MS and a few user presentations. We
don't have the MS session abstracts yet but will post them
at http://www.sqlpass.org when we get them.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Will it support .net scripting like biztalk 2004?
A: Expressions and code in the report are compiled, so we
don't really have a scripting language.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can custom functions be written using the full
capabilities of C#?
A: Yes.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: Does reporting services support user input parameters,
such as specifying a range of dates for the report, etc?
A: Reporting services supports input parameters.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will replace Reporting Services to Crystal Reports in
future versions of VS.NET?
A: Please contact the VS team to answer this question.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: You mentioned that the XML defined Report need to be sent
to Report Server. Users can then request report on Report
Server. 1) How do Report Services related to Report Server
2) Does VS talk to RServer or RServices?
A: Reporting Services is the product name. Report Server is
the name of the actual server component.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: How files like pdf and excel protected from direct
opening? Or all reports have to be previed in IE, then
manually exported to the desired format?
A: Export is an SOAP API and is available in our HTMP based
viewer. Security is also used to determine who can open it.
In the future we are planning to support DRM.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Is there any way to use VBA, such as with Access reports?
A: Reporting Services uses VB.NET (or any .NET language).
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Does it support passing parameters from report to sproc,
then returning result set back for viewing?
A: Yes. WE support parameterized queries and sprocs.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: Can Report Server on the same server with with SQL2K
server? How much resources will it take up?
A: Yes. Resources - Depends on the number of reports being
process concurrently.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: Will you provide sample for Analysis Services?
A: Yes
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: what's DRM?
A: Digital rights management, also known and Information
rights management. It allow you to restrict forwarding,
printing and other client actions.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: Will there be integration with VSS products for the RDL
code etc?
A: Report Designer is a Visual Studio project. As such it is
able to leverage all the goodness that VS provides,
including VSS integration.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: Who should be the best IT person to manage it? DBA,
network admin, or developer?
A: All of these people could have a role in larger shops. In
smaller shops, it could be the same person.
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Is there limit we can change how many reports processed
A: Yes, it depends on the number of processors on the
machine, generally around 10-20 per processor.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Q: How do you compare RS with Hyperion reporting tools?
A: We have not performed an product comparison at this time.
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Q: what's minimum hardware reqs?
A: This is uncertain at this time. We are starting the
process of benchmarking the server to understand memory,
diskspace, etc. The server humms along on a 2 proc 1GB Ram
system J.
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Q: What is the best way as IT professional to prepare for
this new product? What skills should we acquire NOW?
A: Since we are 100% .NET Architecture, learn about .NET /
CLR / Web Services. Product specific resources are coming soon.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Thanks for joining us today! You've asked some great
questions. We'll finish the final questions that we're
working on, but unfortunately, it's time to go.
Host: Kurt (PASS)
Thanks for being so patient while we tried to answer
everyone's questions! Thanks for joining us today!
Transcripts will be available on the PASS and TechNet sites.
Moderator: Stephen (Microsoft)
Thanks for joining us!
Host: Brian (Microsoft)
Thanks for all of the great questions! We look forward to
getting Reporting Services in your hands soon!
Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Thank you all for your questions and interest in SQL Server
2000 Reporting Services
Host: Lukasz (Microsoft)
Thanks everyone!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Sql Server Reporting Services:
SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services relies on several major
components to function correctly.
Report Manager (RM) is used to administer the RS web
service and can be used to serve up reports from a folder /
list interface. RM is actually a web application that calls
the RS web service.
Database Server: This machine hosts the SQL Server 2000
databases required to persist application information.
Reports can be drawn from SQL Server, ODBC or Oracle data
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server based
report generation environment developed by Microsoft. It
can be used to deliver a variety of interactive and printed
reports. It is administered via a web interface. Reporting
services features a web services interface to support the
development of custom reporting applications.
SSRS is a competitor of Crystal Reports and other Business
intelligence tools, and is included in Express, Workgroup,
Standard, and Enterprise editions of Microsoft SQL Server
as an install option. Reporting Services was first released
in 2004 as an add-on to SQL Server 2000. The current
version was released as a part of SQL Server 2005 in
November 2005.
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