1.What is the deferece between DBMS & RDBMS?
2.How can you trouble shoot? If u will get error while
installing sql server?
3.How can u trouble shoot slow running query?
4.how can u trouble log shipping errors?
5.why do we use merge replication instead of T.log
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / dinesh sharma
1)DBMS Does Not Support Boyes'Coda 12 Rules
RDBMS Support 12 Rules of Boy's Coda
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / koti-khammam
3) ANS: There are a number of common reasons for slow-
running queries and updates:
Slow network communication.
Inadequate memory in the server computer, or not enough
memory available for SQL Server.
Lack of useful statistics on indexed columns.
Out-of-date statistics on indexed columns.
Lack of useful indexes.
Lack of useful indexed views.
Lack of useful data striping.
Lack of useful partitioning.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
DBMS : Collection of data in Database
RDBMS : Collection of releated data in a database.
In Trancation Replication : Initial snapahot of the data is
applied to at subscribers. and then when data modifications
are made at the publisher , the individual transcation are
captured and propogated to sbuscribers
In Merge replication : is the process of distributing data
from publisher to subscriber, allowing the publisher and
subscribers to make updates while connected or disconnected
and then merging the updates between sites when they are
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / alfi a
A DBMS has to be persistent, that is it should be
accessible when the program created the data ceases to
exist or even the application that created the data
restarted. A DBMS also has to provide some uniform methods
independent of a specific application for accessing the
information that is stored.
RDBMS is a Relational Data Base Management System
Relational DBMS. This adds the additional condition that
the system supports a tabular structure for the data, with
enforced relationships between the tables. This excludes
the databases that don't support a tabular structure or
don't enforce relationships between tables.
Many DBA's think that RDBMS is a Client Server Database
system but thats not the case with RDBMS.
Yes you can say DBMS does not impose any constraints or
security with regard to data manipulation it is user or the
programmer responsibility to ensure the ACID PROPERTY of
the database whereas the rdbms is more with this regard bcz
rdbms define the integrity constraint for the purpose of
I have found many answers on many websites saying that
DBMS are for smaller organizations with small amount of
data, where security of the data is not of major concern
and RDBMS are designed to take care of large amounts of
data and also the security of this data.
And this is completely wrong by definition of RDBMS and DBMS
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / koti-khammam
2) ANS: Look into the setup log - sqlstp.log for errors.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / sukhjeet brar
simply dbms is database mangement system
rdbms is relational database mangement system. here relation
means in tabuler form.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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