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what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / prathiba

data abstraction is a process of representing the essential
features without including implementation details.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1531 Yes 140 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / karthick

Abstraction is the process of exhibiting only the essential
characteristics of an object depending on programmers
view.It is complement to encapsulation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    359 Yes 101 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / guest

data abstraction is the process of representing essential
details not including inter nal details.example index of
the book

Is This Answer Correct ?    281 Yes 50 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / namitha

Data abstraction refers to, providing only essential
features by hiding its background details.
class result
int marks;
float percentage;
char name[20];
void input();
void output();

bank b1;

in the above example, b1 is an object calling input and
output member functions, but that code is invisible to the
object b1.

Is This Answer Correct ?    263 Yes 58 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / m.harikrishnam raju

It refers we can represents essential features without
including background details and explanations
index of text book.
class School
void sixthclass();
void seventhclass();
void tenthclass();

Is This Answer Correct ?    205 Yes 69 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / pintu gupta

in oops the data abstraction is defined as represent
essential features without including background details or
implementation details.class use the concept of data

Is This Answer Correct ?    135 Yes 49 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / vishwajit kumar

data abstraction is a process of representing the essential
elements,hiding the back ground details.

Is This Answer Correct ?    95 Yes 27 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / deepak


Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 26 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / m.arul

Data abstraction is a process of representing the essential
features without including background properties(or)
implementation details.

Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 21 No

what is data Abstraction? and give example..

Answer / prakash

simply hiding implementation details and show what ever the
client programmer needs. there are two programmers in
devolopint the project Class Creators (who create new
datatypes) and client programmers (class consumers who use
data types in their applications).

It is helpful to break up the playing field into class
creaters and client programmers. The goal of the client
programmer is to collect a toolbox full of classes to use
for rapid application devolopment. The goal of the class
creator is to build a class that exposes only whats
necessary to the client programmers and keeps everything
else hidden. why because the client programmers cant use it
which means that the class creatior can change the hidden
portion at will without worrying about the impact to anyone
else. The hidden portion usually represents the tender
insides of an object that could easily be corrupted by a
careless or uninformed client programmer so hiding the
implementation reduces program bugs.

It is acheived in c++ through class boundaries (private
public and protected keywords...)

ex: class Light
Light lt.on();

Is This Answer Correct ?    63 Yes 17 No

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