Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers
from 1-1000 and to output the factorial value of that
number, how would you test this program? You do not have
access to the code. Please be as specific as possible.

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Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers from 1-1000 and to output the factorial..

Answer / min soo kim

If the function that takes integers from 1 to 1000 can be
considered function f(n), then we could write the following
line of code

int i = 0;
int is_incorrect = 0;
for(i = 2; i <= 1000; i++)
// This is a simple for loop to divide a f(n) factorial
with f(n-1) factorial, which would give the result of n.
if(f(i) / f(i-1)) !- i)
is_incorrect = 1; // Mark the flag as incorrect, since
we did not get the value that we want.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 4 No

Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers from 1-1000 and to output the factorial..

Answer / tudor

write some programs to take a string input assumed to be
1000! 999! 500! or 1!, test the asspumption. and ouput the
result "OK" or "NOT OK"
Pass the output of program to be tested to your programs
using some scripting
echo "testig 1!"
echo `echo "1" > targetprogram | test1fact`
echo "testig 500!"
echo `echo "500" > targetprogram | test500fact`

Also should test the output for 1001, 0, xyz, -1

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Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers from 1-1000 and to output the factorial..

Answer / vaibhav nigam

@ Min Soo Kim

i will use your concept but in a better way like:
there is no need to make any f() function to calculate

some lines of code:

int a,b;
cin >> a;
bool check=1; //'1' for correct and '0' for wrong answer
else {
for(int i=2; i<=1000; i++) {
cin >> b;
if(a*i!=b) {

// since factorial(1000) is a very large value, so another
container can be used but logic remains same

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Given a simple program designed to take inputs of integers from 1-1000 and to output the factorial..

Answer / arati pradhan

Input 1 --> Check the result
Input 500 --> Check the result
Input 999--> Check the result
Input 1000-->Check the result

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 9 No

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