i want to know about call center interviews question
247Customer, e Serve, Genpact, HGS, Hinduja Global Solutions, Infosys, TCS, Vodafone, Wipro,
14 36235why should i hire u?
247Customer, BPO, Concentrix, DELL, HCL, IBM, ICICI, Reliance Jio, TCS, Wipro,
22 80987What is your salary expectation
BPO, DELL, Home Credit, Nipuna, TCS, TelePerformance, Wipro,
38 123230I have done B.Sc.(H)Zoology).I went for an interview in a call centre.Cleared seven rounds there.Only I was selected out of 50 people for HR round.In HR round the HR manager asked me "Why you want to join a call centre after doing B.Sc.?" I couldn't answer and lost the interview.
11 30419when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?
Allsec Technologies, Concentrix, Genpact, Global Career Solutions, HGS, IBM, Knoah, Net InfoTech, Nipuna, TCS, Tech Mahindra, Wipro,
22 71299tell about yourself, please do give with example .
247Customer, BPO, Clerical Jobs, DELL, DNS, IBM, Infosys, L&T, TCS, Wipro,
40 118908What is the minimum qualification to get call centre jobs. What will be the expected salary 4 a fresher.
11 49880i have done b.sc computers,i want to go to tech support interviews,i have basic hardware knowledge,what type of questions they are asking inthis interviews,pls send me interview questions
DELL, GE, HSBC, MNC, Morepen, Reliance, Sutherland, TransWorks,
1 7695
How can we define that the person is an intertesting person?
If You join the company then what is the first thing you want to do , which you were not able to do in ur previous company ? why did you want to join the call center? why do you left your previous job? What is your greatest strength? where do you see yourself from (Ten or fifteen)years from now? If u will be the principal of a school what will u can do best for school? Take Over Means? What are your biggest weaknesses?
Hi Friends, Can anyone send me a Six Sigma question bank with answers on my email id : apexin2009@gmail.com. I am a quality manager in a Mulitnational Company. I have to design a question paper for my already trained green belts and black belts. I had a great knowledge base on six sigma at my home pc but since the mother board has gone bad and it has gobe for repair, I am not able to design a question paper. Please send me a question bank if anyone of you has it. I know that these things are really valuable but I would be highly obliged if you can do this favour. I would look forward to a long professional relationship with that individual. Thanks
What would you do if the customer says that it took you long to resolve an issue?
Ar caller aptitude questions
How to deal with the difficult customer?
tel me sumdin abt indian culture?
What you will do if u will become a millionaire?
Please tell me about an occasion when you had to analyse a large amount of complex information which led to you identifying an improvement in service delivery or cost.
What do you like about being employed in a call center?
what the daily rutien of sunday
How will you manage agents who report into work under the influence of alcohol OR who are under the influence of drugs ?
What are the different types of bpo’s? : bpo
when i went to convergys then i was asked to these question? only for technical post 1. give me your introduction 2. what is ping, ms config, safe mode, last known configuration, system restore, backup, ip address and what is command prompt.....