Raj has a jewel chest containing Rings, Pins and Ear-rings. The chest contains 26 pieces. Raj has 2 1/2 times as many rings as pins, and the number of pairs of earrings is 4 less than the number of rings. How many earrings does Raj have?
5 21599Which is the first country in the world to allow mercy-killing after its Senate passed a Bill legalizing euthanasia by 46-28 votes? (A) The Netherlands (B) Nigeria (C) The Philippines (D) Portugal
14 33729what is public ltd company and difference between public ltd company and public sector undertaking?
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What are the different resource properties specifying a style?
What is g in flask?
What is the best definition for data?
What is petroleum?
What are different replication agents and what's their purpose? : sql server replication
What does ctrl w do in word?
What is an important feature of model capacity?
Which reactor uses natural uranium as fuel ?
How can a Business firm achive growth Internally and Externally?
What are the types of partitioning?
How come the code contents: Works, but contents: [2] Doesn't for two-dimensional array of mine?
Why are data types important?
What is the angle of repose and what are its applications in the chemical industry?
What is go programming language? Explain
please differentiate between delete and truncate?