Tailored Communication Style Describe an occasion when you have tailored your communication style to deal with a particular situation within your teamWhy was it necessary? What was the other persons role? What did you need to take
I mean if we both are strange for each other & i want to make friendship within 10 min. then what is the all process of that like "hell i m neeraj if u dont mind may i take ur 10min. then 2ns person says that why not sure" so plz guide like it ?
what the daily rutien of sunday
whay u r join RBS? and what do u know about this co. tell me somethng about RBS ?
How good are you with computer skills? : bpo
problems and consequences of bpo ?
How will you manage agents who are more tenured in the organisation and are elder to you ?
What are your advantages as a newbie?
If our call center is involved in activities that bend many laws, would you work with us?
Your last travel experience?
speak about mumbai for 5 min
Can you use different software’s easily? : bpo
tel me sumdin abt indian culture?
all general question related bpo and self
describe a person