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Genpact Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 510170

What is Win32?

14 36822

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 158632

Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?"

7 32306

what is by brs?

52 196072

i want to know about call center interviews question

14 36061

What is 43B in an Indian Taxation?

3 21519

I have done B.Sc.(H)Zoology).I went for an interview in a call centre.Cleared seven rounds there.Only I was selected out of 50 people for HR round.In HR round the HR manager asked me "Why you want to join a call centre after doing B.Sc.?" I couldn't answer and lost the interview.

11 30306

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 71082

What are accounting Principles?

152 310113

What is BRS?

63 101917

What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?

10 49965

What are different execution methods of executabls?

1 17765

What are the golder rules of Accounts ?

35 81469

Tell abtur self and family

7 28739

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Why the width of the base region of a transistor is kept very small compared to other regions?


Explain a .net mobile example with details? : Microsoft dot net mobile


I want recent question papers. Now am preparing for BPO interview. please send the papers..


How do you use subtotal in excel?


How to convert sting to number and viceversa in python?


Scenarios to test wireless Speaker via bluetooth


How do you fix a hard drive failure?


What impacts will the Internet of Things (IoT) have?


Explain about negative indexing?


What does four address field signifies?


How do I clean up my windows 10 laptop?


What is the purpose of using an application partition scheme in azure?


What does the Purchase Type column indicates in Banner Manager?


Her departmandaki isçilerden empno' su ikinci sirada olan isçilerin empno, deptno, hiredate, sira_no bigilerini döndüren sorguyu yaziniz?


Which are the app’s state transitions when it is launched?