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TATA Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 52755

What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 64889

What are the different ratings of the fuse units for different distributions at your organization?

3 13558

What should be the earthing resistance of an industrial substation and also What should be the house hold earthing resistance?

20 95770

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118665

Difference Between Call By Value and Call By Reference?

24 221880

what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.

4 15001

How do you work in a team situation?

7 29776

Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble

7 17174

What is protocol testing. whether u have used any tool in telecom testing.

8 46101

what r the heads of taxation

8 18023

what is assessment year and previous year ?

50 154168

what is Deep Structure?

5 17678

Why can't use DAO instead of ADO?

1 5126

What does it mean when EIBCALEN is equal to zeros?

6 74451

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TATA Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the issued with V3 updates prior to PI 2002?


i want to know that how the height of Ct ,cvt ,LA calculated on the basis of creepage distance


Explain property binding or one way binding in angular js?


Why do we need encapsulation in c#?


​​ What are different types of JOINS in SAP HANA?


Define a biodigester?


How do you write a function in excel?


Explain what is logging in Cassandra?


Give an example of how the repository is polled when a new commit is detected.


what is animal charcoal?


Explain the post & get method or explain the difference between them in asp?


How does component services used for amazon simpledb?


Explain batch?


How does explainable AI (XAI) improve trust in AI systems?


Why would a company use an application service provider?