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HGS Interview Questions
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i want to know about call center interviews question

14 35598

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 70514

What are the advanatages of RMI ?

1 4641

Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

1 11855

why you want to come into call centre feild?

5 23559

why do you want to join call center

40 103779

Who was the Governor-General when the Revolt of 1857 took place? 1 Lord Hardinge 2 Lord Dalhousie 3 Lord Canning 4 Lord Elgin

5 31787

Tell me about your most memorable moment.

43 246926

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 801310

just a minute round on water, coffee, energy, newspaper,Dreams,television,window, hair, smile, pocket money,

1 75092

What kind of salary you are expecting from our organization? How can we tell amount of salary in the case of different companies.?

13 34467

Tell me something about your hometown.

37 427449

Speak on a memorable moment in your life for 5 mnts?

49 495350

Tell me the story of the last movie u saw?

23 271083

What is your daily routine?

84 599509

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How to access trlation options in powerpoint?


Explain Usage of Hive?


Explain what are the thermal conductivity properties of brass?


What is size category?


prove that power consumed in 3 phase delta system is 3 times as compared to 3 phase star system


How much request can tomcat handle?


List the abstract operations in the set?


What files can I delete to free up space?


what are the values of compressieve strenght?


What's the difference between authentication and authorization? : java security


Can one thread run on multiple cores?


How do I open the console?


How will you do windows authentication and what is the namespace? If a user is logged under integrated windows authentication mode, but he is still not able to logon, what might be the possible cause for this? In ASP.Net application how do you find the name of the logged in person under windows authentication?


what is rollback? : Sql dba


Define a namenode?