How to deal with the customer having a language barrier?
how to convince customer to buy your product on phone
Sell me this house without a roof
when is mpsc exam
MY name is Bartlemou (bartek for short)Uzeph Kazmeria I am from poland and one day i want to go on polsfactors IM POLISH AND I KNOW IT :D
How many post in call center.plz rpl me in step by step.
What are advatages and disadvatages of BPO job?
How to deal with customers who deny paying for service/product?
How do you manage your time? Give me a reason of being late?
Please outline and describe your current targets and KPIs How do you ensure you achieve these?
how are you qualified for this job?
Give me full details of about yourself
if you stuck in problem what will you do?
What questions are asked at the Data Processing Unit?